#19 Invisible but not hidden: Wellness and the transformation economy

- Melinda Lauw of Whisperlodge -

- Melinda Lauw of Whisperlodge -

“It’s not really about the senses, even. What we’re providing to people is attention and care”
-Melinda Lauw


- Immersion Nation Podcast Episode 19 -

Immersion Nation Podcast Episode 19

On a humid August night in williamsburg brooklyn, Melinda Lauw, cofounder of the genre creating asmr experience, Whisperlodge, took the stage at new york immersive night. Melinda explained that she thought of immersive experience as a kind of wellness practice. At that moment I was sitting in the back of the room, utterly fascinated. 

Today melinda discusses this concept, the transformation economy, and the kind of things that are so pervasively common, they fade into the background and become invisible. 

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Show Notes: 

  • Fictional world: [2:35]
  • Textiles, gradmas, the exotic [3:21]
  • Fluffy guerilla art, the inversion of expectations [5:23]
  • The transformation economy- one step further [6:23] 
  • Growing the audience for art  [10:01]
  • Immersive experience as a wellness practice [12:15]
  • Craving Immersion [14:29]
  • Make it immersive: A world without plastic [18:44]
  • “I thought you brought the props!” [22:17]
  • What is Whisperlodge [25:09]
  • The Origin of Whisperlodge [26:17]
  • Change in experimental outlet [29:28]
  • Current work and Ice Cream [30:50]
  • What I do didn’t exist [32:26]
  • IRL vs. URL: A balancing act. [33:30]
  • Environment and holistic experience [37:09]
  • Working with the Museum of Ice Cream [41:48]
  • New horizons in the immersive world: new combinations [43:52]