#14 Carnivals, crowns, and learning the power to change.

- Caroline Murphy of Incantrix productions​ -

“Play is a window into seeing that we really can create our own realities, we can choose what character we want to play”

-Caroline Murphy


 Any who have truly lost themselves in an immersive experience have glimpsed the potential of immersion as a whole. Caroline Murphy co-founder of Incantrix Productions discusses this potential, and the cause behind the envelope of wonder and openness that often follows audiences out the doors, after an immersive production. 

Caroline, it seems, has a particular propensity for looking at immersive design as both an engineering problem and a piece of social art at the same time. This ability has manifested in their productions of The Carnivale, Crown Me, and extends to inspire audiences of both immersive enthusiasts and the immersive unaware.

Make it immersive:
Jonathan strange and Mr. Norrel [11]


Selected Links:

Show Notes:

  • Which fictional world to live in? [2:53]
  • What is Incantrix? [5:37]
  • Caroline’s background in ARG and LARP [7:23]
  • Tarot in the woods [8:56]
  • Immersive has a type [10:59]
  • Levels of interaction [13:28]
  • Playable theater project [15:10]
  • Make the show accessible [19:37]
  • Make it immersive [21:15]
  • The power of malevolent fairies [24:35] 
  • Value of play [25:50]
  • Struggling to see change [26:40]
  • What is Crown Me? [28:12]
  • MIT endicott house [29:43]
  • Bringing people into immersion [31:18]
  • Changing perspectives and changing lives [36:28]
  • Immersive PhD program? [37:55]
  • Quieting the default mode network [39:00]