Immersion Type:
Mixed Immersion:
• /ˈsōSHəl/ • /iˈmərZHən,iˈmərSHən/ •
1 : An experience that uses actor-guest interaction to create immersion & engage participants. (referred to ‘S.I.’ for short)
Why can’t I be famous?
Because recognition & attention are scarce; Every business in the world is competing for your attention. They have marketing budgets, PR teams, seo experts, and media professionals all to become famous. Fame is just other people’s time pointed in one direction.
Famous for a day lets you choose that direction.
What is ‘Famous For a Day’?
Famous is a service that lets you hire people professional improv actors to be paparazzi or adoring fans. Do you know someone who deserves more attention? Who needs a confidence boost? Who needs practice giving speeches or being grilled by the press?
Famous for a day is attention and or adoration on tap.
What it’s really like
When you begin your experience:
You can choose to be met somewhere or @ multiple locations by fans and paparazzi. In a buzzfeed test of the experience, they instructed two of the actors to act as hard nose radio personalities; pulling posts off social media to ask the hard questions.
They’re actors, yes , but…
…authentic. You’ll likely have an actor playing the role of security guard. The manufactured conflict between security and screaming fans puts you in a position where acting famous is the only obvious course of action.
Reports from the front lines of Immersion Nation are saying that if you’re not used to this kind of attention, be ready. It’s not infrequent for pedestrians to get wrapped into the experience.
The small mass of actors is often joined by everyday people. The assumption is they’d be missing an opportunity if they didn’t join the actors in their adoration. Social proof is a powerful thing. In the Buzzfeed video (below), the fake celebrity ‘Nando’ had non actors fighting through the gathered crowd for selfies and to share words of appreciation for music he didn’t make.
Famous for a day has trained improv troups acting all over the country. Typically wherever you are, they can meet you there. There is no one format for this and you can choose your brand fan & media interaction.
It is worth noting that there are certain cities and places that don’t take kindly to a gathering of adoring fans. Real security can get cranky, no matter how real your fans may or may not be. They’ll take this into consideration, just be conscious that they can’t put their actors in harm’s way if there’s somewhere they can’t go. Trust the professionals. They’ve real fake news down to a science.
Notable past shows:
Buzzfeed tries being famous for a day
Lady gaga prank on Hollywood blvd.
ImNation Quick Points:
• Used occasionally for PR tactics
• Often demonstrates ‘Social proof’ in a curious way
• Can be used to test public performance abilities
• Used by Buzzfeed for a video
Why can’t I be famous?
Because recognition & attention are scarce; Every business in the world is competing for your attention. They have marketing budgets, PR teams, seo experts, and media professionals all to become famous. Fame is just other people’s time pointed in one direction.
Famous for a day lets you choose that direction. What is ‘Famous for a Day’:
Famous is a service that lets you hire people professional improv actors to be paparazzi or adoring fans. Do you know someone who deserves more attention? Who needs a confidence boost? Who needs practice giving speeches or being grilled by the press?
Famous for a day is attention and or adoration on tap.
What it’s really like:
When you begin experience:
You can choose to be met somewhere or @ multiple locations by fans and paparazzi. In a buzzfeed test of the experience, they instructed two of the actors to act as hard nose radio personalities; pulling posts off social media to ask the hard questions.
They’re actors, yes , but it feels authentic. You’ll likely have an actor playing the role of security guard. The manufactured conflict between security and screaming fans puts you in a position where acting famous is the only obvious course of action.
Reports from the front lines of Immersion Nation are saying that if you’re not used to this kind of attention, be ready. It’s not infrequent for pedestrians to get wrapped into the experience.
The small mass of actors is often joined by everyday people. The assumption is they’d be missing an opportunity if they didn’t join the actors in their adoration. Social proof is a powerful thing. In the Buzzfeed video (below), the fake celebrity ‘Nando’ had non actors fighting through the gathered crowd for selfies and to share words of appreciation for music he didn’t make.
Famous for a day has trained improv troups acting all over the country. Typically wherever you are, they can meet you there. There is no one format for this and you can choose your brand fan & media interaction.
It is worth noting that there are certain cities and places that don’t take kindly to a gathering of adoring fans. Real security can get cranky, no matter how real your fans may or may not be. They’ll take this into consideration, just be conscious that they can’t put their actors in harm’s way if there’s somewhere they can’t go. Trust the professionals. They’ve real fake news down to a science.
Notable past shows:
- Buzzfeed tries being famous for a day
- Lady gaga prank on hollywood blvd
1/2 hour increments
By appointment
Public / Private
Group Size
Recommended 1-4